Tantric meditation with Deities – What it is and how to practice it

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Tantric meditation with deities is a form of tantric meditation that involves visualizing and identifying with deities representing various aspects of energy and consciousness.

The goal of meditation with deities is to realize one's own divine nature and connect with it.

Meditation with deities has many benefits for the practitioner, such as developing positive qualities and skills, overcoming negative habits and obstacles, discovering one's spiritual potential, connecting with higher dimensions of consciousness and spiritual beings, and bringing peace and happiness to oneself and others.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is meditation and tantra
  • What is the difference between Deities and Gods
  • What is meditation with Deities and How to practice it
  • How to compare meditation with Deities to praying with angels

What is meditation and Tantra?

Meditation is a state of mind in which one achieves deep peace, focus, and awareness. Meditation can take various forms and have different goals, depending on the tradition and preferences of the practitioner. One form of meditation is meditation with deities, which is part of tantra. You can read more about different types of meditation in the book on tantra and meditation, The Power of Spiritual Development.

Tantra is a collection of spiritual teachings and practices aimed at achieving harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Tantra originates from Hinduism and Buddhism, specifically from the geographical area now known as northern India. Tantra is not a uniform doctrine or religion but rather a lifestyle and approach to spirituality.

Tantra assumes that everything is a manifestation of energy, which has two aspects: masculine and feminine. These aspects are sometimes referred to as Shiva and Shakti, or the active and passive principles. Tantra teaches that by combining these two aspects within oneself and in relationships with others, one can achieve wholeness and happiness.

How do Deities differ from Gods?

Deities are spiritual beings that represent various aspects of energy and consciousness. Deities are not the same as gods. Gods are mythological figures with their own will and personality. Deities, on the other hand, are symbols or archetypes intended to help the practitioner in their spiritual development.

Deities do not belong to any specific religion or culture. They are universal and can be found in various spiritual traditions worldwide. Deities may have different names and forms depending on the context and interpretation. For example, the deity named Tara can be considered a goddess in Hinduism, a bodhisattva in Buddhism, or an angel in Christianity.

What is tantric meditation with Deities and how to practice it?

Tantric meditation with deities involves imagining or visualizing a deity that corresponds to the goal or intention of the meditation. For example, if we want to develop love and compassion, we can meditate with the deity Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig in Tibetan Buddhism. If we want to develop wisdom and intuition, we can meditate with the deity Manjushri or Jampelyang. If we want to remove obstacles, we can meditate on the secret Sadhanas of Four-Armed Mahakala.

Meditation with deities does not mean worshiping them or praying to them. Instead, it involves identifying with them and accepting them as models or teachers. The goal of meditation with deities is to realize one's own divine nature and connect with it.

To meditate with deities, we need special instructions or texts called Sadhanas. A Sadhana is a set of rituals and prayers designed to prepare the mind for meditation and help focus on the deity. A Sadhana typically includes the following elements:

  • Refuge: This is the act of surrendering to the protection of the Three Jewels: the Buddha (the teacher), the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community).
  • Bodhicitta: This is the act of generating the intention to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
  • Purity: This is the act of cleansing the mind of negative thoughts and feelings through confession and repentance.
  • Offering: This is the act of making gifts and tributes to the deity, such as flowers, incense, light, food, and music.
  • Visualization: This is the act of creating a mental image of the deity in detail and color, according to the description in the sadhana.
  • Mantra: This is the act of repeating words or sounds associated with the deity, intended to invoke their presence and energy.
  • Meditation: This is the act of focusing on the deity and its qualities, such as love, wisdom, compassion, courage, etc.
  • Dissolution: This is the act of dissolving the image of the deity into oneself and experiencing unity with it.
  • Dedication: This is the act of dedicating the merits and benefits of the meditation for the good of all beings.

Most often, Tantric Sadhanas are in the Tibetan language, and their practice usually lasts from 20 minutes to an hour and a half. The mantra itself, which is part of the Sadhana, is in Sanskrit.

Meditation with deities is an advanced form of tantric meditation that requires proper guidance and initiation from a qualified teacher, usually a monk. Meditation with deities is not for everyone and should not be practiced without appropriate knowledge and respect.

How to compare meditation with Deities to praying with Angels?

Praying with angels is a form of Christian prayer that involves connecting with angels as spiritual beings serving God. The goal of praying with angels is to seek their help, guidance, protection, or healing.

Praying with angels does not mean worshiping them or praying to them. Instead, it means asking for their support and expressing gratitude for their presence. The goal of praying with angels is to realize one's nature as a child of God and to connect with Him.

To pray with angels, special instructions or texts called prayers are needed. A prayer or affirmation is a set of words or sounds intended to express an intention or request to the angel. A prayer or affirmation typically includes the following elements:

  • Angel's Name: This is the act of invoking the angel by their name or title, such as Archangel Michael, Angel of Love, Angel of Peace, etc.
  • Request: This is the act of expressing your need or wish to the angel, such as asking for protection, healing, wisdom, etc.
  • Thanksgiving: This is the act of expressing gratitude and trust in the angel, such as thanking them for their help, presence, love, etc.

Praying with angels is a simple form of prayer that does not require special guidance or initiation. It is for everyone and can be practiced with respect and faith.

Tantric meditation with Deities and praying with Angels - similarities and differences


  • Both forms of prayer involve connecting with spiritual beings.
  • Both forms of prayer aim for spiritual and personal growth.
  • Both forms of prayer require visualization and repetition of words or sounds.


  • Meditation with deities is part of tantra, while praying with angels is part of Christianity.
  • Meditation with deities involves identifying with the deity, while praying with angels involves asking for support.
  • Meditation with deities requires special instructions and texts called Sadhanas, while praying with angels may or may not require special instructions and texts called prayers but can also be done intuitively.
  • Meditation with deities is an advanced form of prayer, while praying with angels is a simple form of prayer.

Meditation with deities and praying with angels are two forms of prayer aimed at connecting with spiritual beings and fostering spiritual and personal growth. Meditation with deities is a form of tantric meditation that involves visualization and identification with a deity representing an aspect of energy and consciousness. The goal of meditation with deities is to realize one's own divine nature and connect with it. Praying with angels is a form of Christian prayer that involves connecting with an angel serving God. The goal of praying with angels is to seek their help, guidance, protection, or healing.

Tantric meditation with deities and praying with angels have certain similarities and differences that should be understood and respected. Both forms of prayer can be beneficial for the practitioner if performed with the appropriate knowledge and intention.

Also, read about the benefits of meditation in the article describing the 5 benefits of meditation.


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