What is a tantra massage? How to make a tantric massage?

Tantric massage? What is it? Description of the massage

So, what is a tantric massage? Is it an erotic massage? Does it include yoni massage or lingam massage? What does a tantric massage involve? In today's busy world, we are so preoccupied, tired, and stressed, chasing after a better material life, that we completely forget that we "live" our lives here and now, in the present moment. People who work on themselves even a little, developing mentally and spiritually - have probably heard about this more than once, but have they ever truly felt what it means to be in the here and now? To feel means to be in contact with one's body, with one's senses, from which most of us are unfortunately disconnected. How often do you nourish your senses as well as in daily life and sex life? When was the last time you savored the taste, the smell, the sound, and the touch...? When was the last time you felt joy, euphoria, wonder, desire, arousal, bliss, emotion?

While pondering what an authentic tantra massage involves, it's important to remember that it is a deeply relaxing, soothing, and at the same time, healing bodywork technique. It allows returning to the present moment, to completely immerse oneself in the body, in bliss, and to feel it almost at a cellular level. Such feeling is only possible when sexual energy, which according to Tantra is the energy of life, flows freely through our bodies. Unlike other massages, the deep relaxation that tantric massage therapy gives, often remains for a longer time after such a massage.

Full body tantric massage is form of massage. It is part of neotantra, not tantra. It is worth to say that we, also being adepts of the traditional tantra path, try to introduce the qualities of tantra into tantric massage in our practice. In the following video, I will explain the differences between tantra and neotantra:

Traditional tantra and traditional tantric principles do not have anything in common with tantric sex, tantric massage, sensual massage, orgasmic topics, yoni or lingam, vagina, clitoris, penis, breast massage, pleasurable physical touch, etc - these are concepts of neotantra. And neotantra sounds like a "new" or "modern" understanding of tantra, but it's false, fake, wrong. Neotantra is called neo-tantra, because something completely not-related to tantra was called tantra. Stop.

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Unfortunately, few people have clear energy channels, as our body is like a sponge that absorbs all traumas, injuries, unexperienced and unnoticed emotions, feelings that block the natural and free flow of energy.

Tantra bookIf life energy does not reach certain areas of the body for an extended period, disorders can arise at the physical and mental level, which can even lead to diseases. Feminine energy acts like a brush - it cleans and clears.

Feeling the flow of sexual energy during a session is a natural state of affairs, but after a few massages, you can experience such a flow in everyday life. Life then becomes fuller, more conscious, full of love, inner peace.

The Power of Spiritual Development

Learn more about tantra and Neotantra in the book "The Power of Spiritual Development".

Go to Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/8396363900
Go to Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/8396363900

Yoni and lingam massage in tantric massage tantric massage.

Tantra massage may, but does not have to, include massage of intimate areas (genital massage) and yes, the massage is always performed with respect for personal boundaries. The "Senses Wide Open" Massage, "Kama Marma" Massage, and "Fire Snake Ritual" Massage include Yoni (vaginal) massage - female genital massage - or lingam massage.

Effects of tantric massage

Tantric massage is a beautiful path to awakening sensuality, sexuality, passion, and intimacy in relation to oneself and others. Tantric massage did not originate thousands of years BC in the Himalayas at a time when sexuality was an extremely important aspect of life and sexual energy was sanctified. That was the time of matriarchy, and although tantric massage as such did not exist then, sexual energy was used in temples by priestesses - more about this in workshops or during a conversation before the massage. As I wrote earlier, tantric massage is not a part of tantra.

It is not mentioned in the teachings of Lamas, or in tantric texts. Tantric massage originated in the 1960s, but we believe that tantric knowledge, the true tantra taught by Lamas, is necessary to practice tantric massage. Why? We will tell you before the massage. What happens during a tantra massage? During the massage, we remind ourselves that we are sexual beings and that sexual energy vibrates practically everywhere in the universe. The massage allows us to become comfortable with nudity, deal with shame, and ultimately love our whole body. It shows that arousal and desire are healthy and suppressing them can cause harm to the body and psyche.

what is a tantric massage

In tantric massage, we experience the opening of the energetic body. The massage opens us to ourselves, lets us feel who we truly are on various dimensions. It opens us to emotionality, deep sensitivity, tenderness, curiosity about our body, and the blissful potential within it, allowing us to develop love and acceptance of ourselves. After several massages, you may feel a stronger connection with all sentient beings, healing in relationships with close people, and also greater ease in making new acquaintances. Additionally, it can strengthen self-confidence, increase openness, self-worth, and you may feel more agency in your life. All this is the result of aligning the spirit, mind, and body, and embody the divine masculine and feminine - life force energy - throughout the entire body.

Tantric massage - A different dimension of sexuality 

Tantra treats the entire body as sacred, and sexual energy is deeply respected. It is this sacred sexual energy (not to be confused with sex) that is used during the massage to cleanse the entire body. After cleansing, the body much more easily opens up to pleasure, bliss, and ecstasy. Even during the first massage, one can experience very deep sensations and a high-vibrational state of bliss, and even whole-body energetic orgasms (not related to physical stimulation of the genitals). Through these experiences, we are able to access different states of consciousness and better understand our true nature. Through tantric massage, we experience other dimensions of sexuality - spiritual and yet very real and rooted in the entire body; a connection of divinity and "earthliness" in one.

Tantric massage is a type of deep meditation, where feeling, presence, awareness, and blissful dissolution are united.

Cleansing during tantric massage - The essence of tantra massage 

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, our body is like a sponge. Unexpressed emotions, unexperienced traumas, and painful events are stored in the cells and the energetics of the body. This is not only from our own life but also from our lineage and past incarnations. The body tells us a story about ourselves that can really surprise us... Tantric massage conducts sexual energy from the lower chakras and parts of the body to the higher ones, releasing blockages it encounters along the way that are ready to be let go at that moment.

The release of sexual energy during the massage occurs through physical sensations, emotions, breathing, and their impact on energy regulation and the autonomic nervous system, in a light and harmonious manner. However, various, usually short-lived bodily reactions such as pain in the heart chakra or intimate areas, screaming, laughter, and even orgasms can occur. All reactions are welcome and entirely appropriate. With each subsequent release and bodily reaction, the burden we've carried for years or even a lifetime diminishes. We begin to reach our true selves, our essence, a nature that is full of goodness, trust in life, and unconditional love.

Tantra massage - how it is performed

There are various techniques and ways of performing tantric massages. Some are more sensual, gentle, integrating; others delve deeper into the entire body, releasing, and finally intimate, incredibly sensual, fiery ones. We have attended many tantric massage courses, so we use various techniques, combine them, and largely guide ourselves by our experience and intuition, as each person who comes to us needs a different massage and touch at the moment they are in.

Tantra massage honors the natural nudity of the body, therefore it is received without clothes. Practically every part of the body is massaged, using warm natural oils, including intimate areas. Here, there are no taboo subjects - instead, there is full respect for the body, for the entire human being, openness, a touch full of tenderness and presence, awareness, and love.

In nudity, we tell the world: here I am, I am beautiful, I am a powerful multidimensional being, I respect my nature and essence, the divinity within me.

Want to know more about energy and tantra? Reach for the book on meditation and tantra, The Power of Spiritual Development.

Please fill out a short form on our website www.anahatatantra.com/pl/rezerwacja-masaz-tantryczny/. We will contact you to arrange the exact date of the massage/session.


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0 Responses

  1. […] The tantric massage we offer is a unique practice, you can read more about tantric massage here: Difference tantric massage and classical masssage, you can read also how to make a tantric massage. […]
  2. […] postanowiliśmy rozwiać wszelkie wątpliwości na temat tego, kto tak naprawdę może wykonywać masaż tantryczny i jak odróżnić profesjonalistę od […]
  3. […] the adequate competences. Therefore we decided to dispel any doubts about who really can perform Tantric massage and how to distinguish a professional from the […]
  4. […] masaż tantryczny to pzede wszystkim jest praca z oddechem i odblokowanie kanałów energetycznych. Masowane jest […]
  5. […] masaż tantryczny to pzede wszystkim jest praca z oddechem i odblokowanie kanałów energetycznych. Masowane jest […]
  6. […] If you want to know more about what is tantric massage, we invite you to read the article: Tantric massage – description – what is and how is it done? […]
  7. […] More about tantric massage in our article: Tantric massage – description – what is and how is it done? […]
  8. […] Tantric massage is a good form of meditation is as well, because during the massage we enter into meditation state - all the instructions on how to breath and what to focus the mind on are given in the talk we have before the massage. However tantric massage is suggested in non-acute infection phases. In simple words, if you have already the first symptoms of flu it's not a good idea to take a massage, but it's a good idea ot make static meditation. However in order to prevent influenza or after a fully cured flu, then massage can be a great helper to keep good health and full body homeostasis. […]

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