Yoni comes from Sanskrit and although it means external and internal female genitalia, it has primarily (...) and the entire universe. It is a truly sacred space. It is worth knowing what yoni mapping is.
Intimate areas deserve full respect, but do women give their Yoni the attention it deserves?
What is yoni mapping?
The body, mind, heart, and soul are interconnected. All difficult experiences, emotions, and traumas, if (...) anxiety, discomfort, and muscle tension. Women accumulate the most tension in their pelvic area and yoni. Therefore, they may have various blocks within them for years that do not allow them to fully enjoy life and sexuality.
Yoni mapping, sexual disarming, is a process aimed at deep healing of the body and soul. This extraordinary work based on trust has already changed the lives of many women.
Yoni mapping will restore joy to your life. It will make you fully enjoy your sexuality and closeness with your partner.
Yoni mapping comes from Ayurveda, and although we have gained knowledge and practice from many teachers (...) for us to gain practical experience under the guidance of such an outstanding master.
Who is yoni mapping for? What are the indications?
Many women do not derive much pleasure from their sexual (...) emotions related to these experiences may have been trapped in the body, accumulated in the yoni, and prevent enjoyment not only in sexual life, but also in life in general.
What is a tantra massage? How to make a tantric massage?
(...) the massage
So, what is a tantric massage? Is it an erotic massage? Does it include yoni massage or lingam massage? What does a tantric massage involve? In today's busy world, we (...) do not have anything in common with tantric sex, tantric massage, sensual massage, orgasmic topics, yoni or lingam, vagina, clitoris, penis, breast massage, pleasurable physical touch, etc - these are concepts (...) the book "The Power of Spiritual Development".
Go to Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/8396363900Go to Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/8396363900 Yoni and lingam massage in tantric massage tantric massage.
Tantra massage may, but does not have to, (...) boundaries. The "Senses Wide Open" Massage, "Kama Marma" Massage, and "Fire Snake Ritual" Massage include Yoni (vaginal) massage - female genital massage - or lingam massage.
Effects of tantric massage
Tantric massage is (...)