Tag Archives: tantra

Tantra – the quickest way to a full awakening

(...) two different approaches in Buddhism about how to realize its greatest potential.   Buddhism, Sutras, pleasure and  Tantra According to the expert of Buddhism Myrdhin Reynolds Vajranatha all the teachings and practices of (...) of transformation of mud into gold The Tantric approach is reversed, and the contents of the Tantra s is radically different from the Sutras content. Tantric yogi practices already as a Deity in (...) able to recognize it. This is the tantric approach. Lama Thubten Yeshe   The fastest way to enlightenment Tantra is known as the fastest path to enlightenment, which involves the transformation of all our (...) so instead of doing like adept practitioners of sutras which steer clear of poisons of the mind, tantra practitioners look for the source of desire and immerse in the experience, so that using (...) in what we choose. However the above text explains the controversial approach to pleasure and shows why tantra energy of desire is necessary. It should be remembered that it is not pleasure the source of (...)
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Tantric energy tested by science
Our teacher supervised by scientists

(...) Somananda's official website and the description was written by our teacher Liisa Maimon - Meditation, Yoga and Tantra teacher of Somananda.org How Did It Come to Be? In the beginning of 2015 Somananda was approached (...) full-body energy orgasms, it was a novel and exciting experience. Is it possible to measure Tantra using scientific methods of data collection, and what would such tests show? Test #1: The Heat (...)
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How did Tantra become our life path?

(...) skeptical at first, but curiosity has led us to further look. We found information about Tantra and about the spiritual path. It ideally complements our current development and knowledge. We had (...) to learn seeking knowledge in the ancient tantric texts and participating in various courses of tantra, sexuality and tantric massage from different masters.   Dlaczego Tantra stała się naszą ścieżką życiową? Sekret Ok 8 lat temu otrzymaliśmy książkę Sekret by Rhonda Byrne w (...)
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