(...) renewed, appropriately managed, and prevented from becoming blocked in the body.
Can Sexual Energy Be Sent Remotely ?
Sexual energy, as life force energy, creates everything around us and constantly flows between all (...) our will with the forces of the universe.
It is also possible to send sexual energy remotely between people; however, this is a complex issue, as one should not influence another person (...) pleasure at a distance without physical contact, touch, or even voice. Sending life force energy remotely can also be used, for example, during healing sessions. It is important that these sessions (...) their energy field, thereby opening up to the energy transfer.
How to Safely Use Feminine Energy Remotely ?
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, each of us possesses both masculine and (...) way, our manifestations have a higher chance of being fulfilled quickly. When sending sexual energy remotely , it is crucial not to try to influence other people with it—as mentioned, this (...) bioenergy therapy as one of the methods supporting conventional treatment of various medical conditions.
Sending Energy Remotely – Dowsing and Other Methods
To perform bioenergetic treatments, such as biomassage, the physical presence of the patient is necessary. However, it is also possible to work with energy remotely . Energy transmission at a distance is possible, for example, through dowsing or radionics. The (...)
Sexual Energy from a Distance – Is It Possible?