(...) together. We propose a very unique massage which is a Tantric massage. Tantric massage is an extraordi na ry gift that both of you will remember and cherish for looong time.
You will down (...) sink into the relaxing scent of herbs and essential oils and Your body will illumi na ted by candlelight. The masseurs in full presence of touch introduce you to a very special (...) the touch and to the closeness. You will feel much better both physically and emotio nally.
Tantric massage is very well invested money in an unusual pleasure for you, your partner and for passion in the relationship.
Tantric massage workshop for couples – an origina l gift for Valentine's Day
If you feel that you want to dive more often in (...) zł zamiast 2000zł
Give yourselves a real delight!!
Note: in order to use this offer, please write " Walentynki2017" in the booking form.
[maxbutton id="1" url="https://www.anahatatantra.com/book-a-tantric-massage/" text="Book a massage" ]
[maxbutton id="1" url="https://www.anahatatantra.com/contacts/" text="Request an individual workshop"]
Book a tantric massage for your Valentine and for yourself! <3