Sexual dysfunctions are inextricably linked with mental health, which - these days, is undergoing a serious crisis among the public. In gynecological and psychological surgeries, the buzzwords such as vaginismus, vulvodynia and dyspareunia are becoming more common (Lew-Starowicz et al., 2017). All three dysfunctions differ in their symptoms, while affecting the same sphere of life…
Jak uwolnić emocje ukryte w ciele w Warszawie?
Nowadays, there is a beneficial trend for mental health that encourages not suppressing emotions, but rather expressing them and embracing openness. Many of us, however, still struggle with unnecessary stress and various feelings, usually negative ones. Often, we are not even aware of this—yet our bodies are. How can we check if we are blocking…
Vaginismus, what is it, symptoms, treatment methods, therapy
Table of Contents
WstępEtiologia i klasyfikacjaPochwica pierwotnaPochwica wtórnaObjawyDyspareuniaAspekt psychologicznyMetody leczeniaLekarz i diagnozaPsychoterapiaFizjoterapia uroginekologicznaDilatoryAlternatywne metody leczeniaOsteopatiaTechniki relaksacjiOddechMBSRWizualizacjaJogaMasaże tantryczneStyl życiaTerapia łączona
The symptoms of vaginismus (...) health and well-being, which, combined with the possibilities of medicine, can lead to complete recovery. Pochwica pierwotna
By definition, vaginismus is a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles and (...) Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, Oddział we Wrocławiu, Seksuologia Polska, 13(2), 70–77.Fronczek, Z. A. Pochwica (Vaginismus) [Vaginismus]. Seksuologia Kliniczna Medycyna Seksualna.Jarząbek, G., Ramowski, D., Pawlaczyk, M., & Friebe, Z. (2005). (...)