Contrary to appearances, there are many types of tantric massages. This is due to the fact that there are many schools of tantra and tantric massage all over the world, but also that the tantric massage often has elements from other practices. Kama Marma massage contains elements of ayurvedic massage, which mainly consists in pressing Marma points in the body. Furthermore there are also massages related to Temple Arts. These are more complex in their form and have roots in the Matriarchy times. We are also aware of tantric massages, which in reality are erotic massages, in which there is focus in stimulating the erogenous zones to ejaculation - this is not real tantric massage - the word "tantra" is in this case abused for marketing purposes.
Masaż Kama Marma - What is it?
This is a combination of effective techniques known from the Ayurvedic massage with the healing power of sexual energy, also called vital energy. This