Lack of sex and masturbation and disease – negative effects of lack of sex and abstinence

Brak seksu i brak masturbacji para na ławce

Regular sexual activity affects a person's mental and physical health. It affects not only his condition, but also his mood. It lowers blood pressure and helps combat stress. However, it happens that some people, either by choice or as a result of external factors, avoid any kind of intercourse. It turns out that this can lead to numerous complications.

Check out the negative consequences of sexual abstinence in the article.

Permanent lack of sex and masturbation - what happens when people stop intercourse

One of the building blocks of a relationship is regular sex with a partner. Satisfying this basic physiological need can be a source of pleasurable sensations, and also has a health-promoting effect on the body, improving cardiovascular function and firming the skin. Having sex can minimize the risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Nevertheless, some people will experience sexual inactivity, which can translate into unpleasant complications.

Sexual abstinence - reasons why couples stop having sex

The abandonment of the realization of sexual needs can be due to many factors. Some choose to do so for ideological reasons, including faith or private beliefs (such as clergymen who live celibate lives). For many, the main determinant is the lack of a regular sexual partner, while for others the desire for sex decreases with age.

According to the study, periodic abstinence is a common phenomenon in couples with long periods of marriage. In more than ⅓ of cases, it is practiced at least once a month (Stępkowska & Żurada, 2020) (1). It is therefore not an uncommon phenomenon. Among people in relationships, it is often seen as something natural and necessary.

Other reasons for abstinence are all kinds of medical conditions. Among them, the most common are cardiovascular diseases and spinal injuries.

On the other hand, lack of sexual intercourse can ultimately lead to a decline in quality of life.

Sexual desire and the effect of hormones on cohabitation

Sexuality is an individual issue for each person, so there may be a situation where partners are unable to satisfy each other's needs. This may be due to a difference in temperament, complexes or lack of proper communication. Not insignificant is the hormonal system, which affects the drive and mood.

Lack of satisfactory intercourse often affects a person's condition, including his health.

Vaginal dryness and erectile dysfunction - what does lack of sex and masturbation lead to?

Sex affects vaginal lubrication, so it can prevent vaginal dryness, especially during menopause, as well as irritation. It also has a beneficial effect on partners' self-esteem and, like other physical activities, helps strengthen the body along with the functioning of the various systems.

In contrast, those who choose to live without sex may face the opposite phenomena - from self-criticism to erectile problems. What's more, the aftermath, such as erectile dysfunction in men, usually leads both parties to feel more pressure as well as frustration. Thus, the chances increase that they will avoid the next rapprochement, leading to a vicious cycle.

What are the risks of long-term sexual abstinence? - The effects of not having sex

A number of undesirable consequences can result from abstinence lasting for a long time. Regular sexual intercourse helps prevent certain diseases. On the other hand, sudden long-term cessation of them leads to dryness of the mucous membranes in a woman. Untrained muscles of the uterine fundus also become flaccid and atrophy after some time. However, these are not the only unpleasant consequences of cessation of intercourse or masturbation.

Deteriorating quality of life, decreased libido, dry vagina

People who give up regular sexual intercourse may experience a decline in their overall quality of life, which means, above all, greater problems with stress relief and increasing nervousness.

Other effects include a decreased drive and a drop in testosterone production. The risk of heart disease also increases, while the body's immunity is reduced.

In both sexes, there is also a greater risk of experiencing ailments affecting the reproductive organs, such as vaginal dryness.

Sexual frustration and other negative effects of lack of sex in a relationship

One of the first symptoms of not satisfying a basic physiological need is the onset of frustration. This one can escalate over time and lead to conflicts, not only with the partner, but also with third parties. Although this is a seemingly trivial effect of abstinence, it should not be taken lightly, as it can take a toll on an individual's mental health. Abstinence also makes it difficult to achieve sexual arousal after a certain period of time due to a decrease in testosterone (Dabbs Jr & Mohammed, 1992) (2).

Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions

The most common negative consequences of abandoning intercourse and masturbation among men are decreased libido and erectile problems. Lack of regularity can intensify stress and lowered mood in the partner. This develops further sexual dysfunction, which translates, for example, into difficulty maintaining an erection.

Widowhood disease - what does sexual abstinence and lack of orgasm lead to?

In many cases, lack of sex can lead to so-called widow's disease. It affects women of all ages and is associated with the situation when the selected person does not achieve orgasm for a long time. The persistent lack of fulfillment may initially cause only irritation, but later it can develop into serious symptoms of the disease.

Lack of sex - Long-term lack of orgasm - an intimate problem for many women.

According to a study conducted by Professor Zbigniew Izdebski in 2017, less than half of women in Poland are satisfied with their intercourse (Izdebski & Polpharma, 2017) (3). Lack of satisfaction not only affects one's overall mood, but can also cause health ailments, particularly those related to Kehrer syndrome. Some of these are difficult to recognize at first glance, as they can be mistaken for symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Lack of intercourse vs. widow's disease (Kehrer syndrome)

As already written, a constant lack of sexual satisfaction in women can lead to a disease that, contrary to its name, does not affect only widows. It also afflicts people who regularly have sex. It particularly affects young women whose needs are not adequately met.

Widow's disease - what does sexual abstinence lead to?

The presence of widow's disease is determined by five symptoms. These are:

  1. Pain felt in the lower abdomen and at the sacrum
  2. Varicose veins involving the small pelvis, thighs and lower legs
  3. Pruritus of the vulva and vagina and accompanying discharge
  4. Thickened uterus, menstrual disorders
  5. Pain and cramping of the sacro-uterine ligaments

These symptoms may also indicate the presence of other organ diseases (Bromboszcz, 1974) (4).

Kehrer's syndrome (widow's disease), or what is threatened by lack of sexual satisfaction in women

In Kehrer syndrome, physiological symptoms are distinguished, which follow a prolonged lack of orgasm. Sexual frustration, thus intensified, is associated with a decrease in energy, which can even lead to depression in the long term. Before the onset of typical physical complaints, a woman can be observed in a state resembling premenstrual syndrome. It is based on general psychomotor agitation and increasing irritability.

Why is it worth having sex? What needs does sexual intercourse help to satisfy?

Successful intercourse is not only a guarantee of improved well-being, but also a remedy for numerous ailments. This kind of exercise has a relaxing effect, helping to relieve PMS or muscle aches. It also reduces the risk of prostate cancer (Mulcahy, 2016) (5). In doing so, it leads to better blood circulation and oxygenation of the body, which then translates into improved skin and hair condition.

In addition to this, sexual intercourse satisfies the basic need for intimacy and allows you to build a strong bond with your partner.

Successful sexual intercourse, or why you should have regular intercourse

Many benefits of successful sexual intercourse can be listed. The main benefit is the sudden release of endorphins that affect good mood. The sexual act also affects the relationship with the partner. It is an important part of the relationship, both at its initial stage and during further acquaintance (Janssen, 2009) (6).

Its effect on the body's fitness and appearance should not be forgotten - just like playing sports helps burn calories, strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Unmet sexual need - when a sexologist can help

The need for sexual fulfillment is perfectly natural, so if you feel frustration, it is worth going to a specialist who can help identify the problem and then permanently remove it.

At the same time, it should be remembered that sexual life can also be affected by unprocessed traumas and other psychological burdens. In these cases, too, it may be necessary to use appropriate therapy, such as a real tantric massage. On the other hand, if serious physical complaints are observed, a doctor should be consulted immediately. It is also a good idea to consult a naturopath after seeing a doctor.

You can read more about tantric massage in the article: Tantric massage - what is tantric massage and how is it performed? Description of tantric massage


  1. Stępkowska, J., & Żurada, E. (2020). Okresowa abstynencja seksualna mężczyzn żyjących w stałych związkach – wybrane aspekty. Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides et Ratio, 43(3).
  2. Dabbs Jr, J. M., & Mohammed, S. (1992). Male and female salivary testosterone concentrations before and after sexual activity. Physiology & Behavior, 52.
  3. Izdebski, Z., & Polpharma. (2017). Seksualność Polaków 2017.
  4. Bromboszcz, A. (1974). Leksykon zespołów i objawów w ginekologii i położnictwie. PZWL.
  5. Mulcahy, N. (2016). Study: Ejaculate More, Have Less Prostate Cancer Risk.
  6. Janssen, E. (2009). SprecherSex in Established Relationships. W Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. SAGE Publications.
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