Festival Speaker at the “Włącz Światło” Festival Conference – Tantra and Personal Development

festiwal prelegent włącz światło

Discovering Personal Development Paths at the "Włącz Światło" Festival in Sulistrowiczki

Introducing the Speaker – with Kamila Skrobek, Organizer of Włącz Światło

I had the honor of being a speaker at the exceptional "Włącz Światło" festival in the picturesque Sulistrowiczki. This event was not only a platform for sharing knowledge but also an opportunity for personal growth and deeper self-discovery for many participants and speakers alike. Being part of this festival – as a speaker at the conference – was not just a pleasure but also a chance to exchange experiences with others who share a passion for spiritual and personal development.

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Video transcription in English

Kamila: What brought us together the most is that we don’t like the sugary personal development, the lies that social media just pours on us, how people deceive, manifesting a dream life, while in reality, they rent houses, partners, cars, so that other people pay them a fortune.

Sergio: Time for the truth. In a world where image often replaces essence. I invite you to a journey towards authenticity. To a world where personal development is not just empty words, but deep transformation.

Kamila: Everything is beautiful and colorful, there’s an energy of love, but remember that not everyone has good intentions in this, not everyone who talks about love wants to give you love.

Sergio: In a world full of colors and energy of love, it's important to distinguish. Let’s learn together how to recognize true love and good intentions.

Kamila: Sergio has incredible experience. That’s why it is special. I’m honored. I adore and love with a pure heart. And these are exactly them. Ania and Sergio, applause for them.

Sergio: Recognition is not just a title. It is primarily a responsibility. Today on stage are people who live what they preach, authenticity and truth in every word. I would like to invite you to take off the rose-colored glasses. Let’s look at the world as it really is, free ourselves from illusions, and discover the depth of true life. For organizing such a meeting, for us being here.

Every meeting is a new opportunity, a time to share, learn, and grow together. Thank you for this time together.

And it is also very important for spiritual development to not only help others but to help ourselves, because we are also part of the universe, part of everything, we cannot help others if we do not feel good ourselves.

Spiritual development is not just giving, but receiving. We learn how to help ourselves to be able to help others, in harmony with ourselves and with the world, creating a space full of support and understanding.

Thank you for this extraordinary meeting, full of inspiring truth.

See you at the next stages of this journey.

Listen to my Podcast (in Polish)


My Lecture at the Festival - First Steps to the Goal

My lecture, titled "First Steps to the Goal - The Essence of Healthy Spiritual Development - A Journey to Inner Harmony: Balance, Understanding, and Love," delved into four aspects of two energies that are crucial in our lives.

I explained the concept of the "Energy Rose" (which is detailed in the book The Power of Spiritual Development). I discussed family relationships and the importance of setting healthy boundaries, sharing personal stories and experiences. My message focused on the significance of healthy foundations for spiritual growth, emphasizing that every step, even the smallest, is important in our spiritual journey.

One of the topics that stirred many emotions, after which many people came to thank me, was the discussion about the lack of fanaticism and the (in)security in personal and spiritual development groups.

Festiwal schedule

Deep Understanding of Tantra

One of the key points of the lecture was explaining what true tantra is and how it differs from common misconceptions. I emphasized that tantra is not about superficial spirituality, but rather a deep understanding of oneself and the surrounding world.

I highlighted the importance of authenticity and depth in spiritual practices, separating facts from the mythological portrayals of tantra.

Martyna Graczyk, Kamila Skrobek, Paulina Konarska, Kinga Wajs Mariusz Kubis, Sergio S Dorje

Avoiding Fanaticism and Toxic Groups

In my talk, I also addressed the topic of avoiding fanaticism and discussed the problematic aspects of toxic groups. I revealed how prevalent they are... often where they seem to be absent. I discussed the importance of maintaining critical thinking and independence in pursuing spiritual development, warning about the traps and manipulations that can occur in certain environments.

Klucz do życia i prawdziwego rozwoju

Jako ekspert w dziedzinie rozwoju duchowego i osobistego, podzieliłem się również moim kluczem do życia i prawdziwego rozwoju, którym jest zmniejszenie cierpienia. Podkreśliłem, jak ważne jest zrozumienie własnych emocji i pracowanie nad sobą, aby osiągnąć większą harmonię i równowagę w życiu.

The Key to Life and True Development

As an expert in spiritual and personal development, I also shared my key to life and true development, which is reducing suffering. I emphasized the importance of understanding one's own emotions and working on oneself to achieve greater harmony and balance in life.

I am proud that my presentation received such a positive response!

I believe that every such event is another step towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. Through them, we can broaden our horizons, meet inspiring people, and learn from each other. Being a part of "Turn On the Light" was not only an honor but also an invaluable experience that enriched my professional and personal path.

I invite everyone to follow my work and participate in upcoming events. I am convinced that together we can explore new paths of development and achieve our goals, both spiritual and personal. My aim as a speaker is not only to share knowledge but also to create a space for reflection and mutual support.

With Kamilą Skrobek

Thank you for the shared moments during the "Włącz Światło" (Turn On the Light) festival, and I look forward to future meetings where we will create inspiring and energizing experiences together. Together, we can change the world, one step, one presentation, one meeting at a time 🙂


Kamila Skrobek, Jagoda Urban, Sergio S Dorje, Bartek Indygo, Alicja Łukasiewicz, Mariusz Kubis, Martyna Graczyk, Edyta Warowna - Jaguś, Karol Adam Krysiński, Ewelina Foks, Paulina Konarska, Kinga Wajs, Marta Jankowska, Jagoda Urban.

See you soon!

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