Is the Tantric massage you offer erotic massage? Does it come to sexual pleasure in this massage?
No. Tantric massage IS NOT erotic massage. If you are looking for a massage, during which you want to be sexually satisfied or you are looking for erotic massage, we don't have such services for you. Tantric massage uses sexual energy for the purpose of personal development. The purpose of tantric massage IS NOT to achieve genital orgasm.
Home » Is the Tantric massage you offer erotic massage? Does it come to sexual pleasure in this massage?
Sergio S Dorje is a psychologist and specialist in psychotraumatology, having completed his psychology studies in AEH in Warsaw with the highest distinction, a naturopath and massage therapist graduated in the PWSM medical school in Warsaw. With extensive experience in healing emotional and physical trauma, he is also a leading expert in Tantric massage, conducting tantra massage workshops both in Poland and internationally. A key part of his mission is to clarify the crucial difference between Tantric massage and traditional Tantra—two distinct practices often confused....
With a unique mission, he strives to integrate spirituality spirituality with science, helping people understand the psychological and emotional benefits of non-scientific practices like Tantra Massage, while grounding his teachings in scientific insights. S Dorje is also the author of The Power of Spiritual Development and other works on personal growth available on Amazon.