Emotional release: How to free blocked emotions and emotional blockages

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Every day we experience various kinds of emotions. They can be pleasant or unpleasant, but no emotion is bad; experiencing each one is necessary for our psyche. Unfortunately, we often reject difficult emotions, pushing them to the background, preoccupied with other matters. It is scientifically proven that suppressing emotions is harmful to both the psyche and the physical body. Releasing emotions is an extremely important process.

We can delay talking about emotions and experiencing them, but they still affect our body and mind, especially if emotions hidden from the world—and from ourselves—continue to accumulate. Learn how to release blocked emotions and improve the quality of your life.

What Are Emotions?

Emotions arise as a result of certain events or thoughts. They can be automatic, such as fear of a wild animal, or they can arise based on our interpretation of an event. We experience emotions because chemical processes in the brain cause subtle changes throughout our body. For example, we feel an increase in body temperature and muscle tension when we are scared; warmth in the face when we are embarrassed; a tightness in the chest or stomach when we are sad; and lightness throughout the body when we feel joy.

Emotions also manifest in facial expressions and body language, such as posture, gestures, and tone of voice. When experiencing an emotion, we might act instinctively, without thinking through the situation, driven by the emotion—this is an impulse. However, we can also try to manage our emotions and choose a more appropriate response. How can we do this? How do we store emotional experiences?

How to manage emotions? A method for coping with emotions

Effectively managing emerging emotions involves several simple steps. Here is a specific method for coping with emotions.

  • Calm down, reduce the intensity of the emotions – sometimes focusing on your breath, on a single object in the room, or splashing your face with cold water helps;
  • Observe what you feel – acknowledge these feelings and accept their presence, don’t blame yourself for them, don’t be embarrassed by them;
  • Think about where the emotion might have come from, what caused it;
  • Describe your emotions and feelings – name them, describe them specifically without judgment; it’s good to do this out loud, especially if you are experiencing emotions related to an interpersonal relationship or conflict;
  • Consider whether you have any skills that could help you in the current situation;
  • Make a decision about how to act.

For example, we learn that layoffs are planned at our company, which is a specific stressful circumstance. We are overwhelmed by fear for our future – after all, we have a mortgage and a family to support. We can let ourselves be carried away by this fear and fall into a state of chronic stress, we can block these emotions and pretend that nothing bad is happening – although the effects of this denial will still be felt by our body – or we can try to cope with the emotions in an adaptive way.

We observe the fear and the changes it causes in our body. We describe them – we may feel paralyzed, experience an accelerated heartbeat, and a tightness in the stomach. Next, we should think about what we can do in the given situation and what skills we have that could help us.

After analysis, we conclude: it is worth discussing the matter with our spouse and thinking about additional financial security, as well as looking around the job market. We start to take action. The fear disappears or is greatly reduced, and it does not affect our body as strongly.

Effects of blocked emotions – suppressing emotions and their consequences

Emotions that we cannot allow ourselves to experience or find an outlet for still affect our body. They can cause somatic symptoms such as weakness, headaches, back pain, gastrointestinal issues, and heart palpitations. They can also lead to depression or anxiety disorders.

Blocked emotions also impact our approach to life and other people, as well as the decision-making process. If we do not allow ourselves to grieve, it will be difficult to find joy in life again and hope for an improvement in our situation.

Emotional release

Positive and negative blocked emotions and their effects

Without identifying blocked emotions and working through hidden childhood fears, it is difficult to open up to new experiences in life or to other people. Suppressing anger and negative attitudes will also transfer to other aspects of life.

An emotional blockage also means blocking facial expressions corresponding to the given emotion. Facial expressions serve a social function—they communicate our state to others to warn them or seek support. By hiding our emotions, we may feel misunderstood and unsupported by others, and we may also be perceived as cold and emotionless.

Releasing emotions - proven methods

It's always worthwhile to talk about accumulated negative emotions with someone you trust and to let out what you feel. If you are sad, don't hold back your tears. If anger is boiling inside you, release it in a safe way, such as through intense exercise, shouting, stomping, or hitting a pillow.

Don't keep difficult emotions bottled up inside. If your emotional blockage is so strong that you are unable to react in these ways or you are unaware of how many feelings are inside you, consider other methods for releasing emotions. A classic, proven method is psychotherapy, such as psychodynamic therapy or therapies more focused on PTSD and the effects of trauma, like Havening therapy. Hypnotherapy can also be useful for unlocking strong, deeply hidden emotions. However, there are other ways to get rid of emotional blockages.

Alternative medicine methods

There are numerous reports on the effectiveness of alternative medicine practices in releasing blocked emotions. Methods from traditional Eastern medicine—Chinese and Indian (Ayurveda)—are among those used. They employ the concept of life energy (Ch’i) and the channels and energy points in the human body through which this energy flows.

In traditional Chinese medicine, these channels are called meridians, and in Indian medicine, they are called nadis. These concepts are used in acupuncture, Ayurveda, tantric massage, and tai chi, among others. The release of emotions occurs by acting on blockages in the flow of life energy, such as by pressing specific points on the body during acupuncture or tantric massage.


sychosomatic osteopathy plays a significant role in releasing blocked emotions. According to osteopaths, emotional blockages particularly affect the body’s structures, causing somatic illnesses such as pain, digestive issues, and more. Blocked emotions or past traumas lead to the formation of “energy cysts,” which are areas of accumulated emotional energy in specific parts of the body.

Through proper techniques, an osteopath can identify and eliminate these cysts, a process known as somato-emotional release. This phenomenon is often accompanied by intense emotional reactions from the patient. The result is the release of blocked emotions, alleviation of somatic ailments, and an overall improvement in emotional and spiritual well-being.

Methods for releasing positive and negative emotions developed by scientists and doctors

Some psychiatrists and therapists have developed their own methods to help patients deal with blocked emotions. An example is the method created by Dr. David Hawkins. He believed that releasing emotions requires fully experiencing them first.

Thus, we need to become aware of blocked emotions, then allow the feeling to flow freely, accept it without judgment, let go of resistance—fully surrender to it, and stay in this state until a sense of lightness and relief is achieved. Hawkins is also the creator of the kinesiology test, which uses the body's physiological reflexes to gain a better understanding of the human psyche.

Another method is the Emotion Code method by Dr. Bradley Nelson. He believes that emotional blockages cause psychosomatic illnesses, such as various types of pain, and his method focuses primarily on treating these conditions. His method—the Emotion Code—involves identifying blocked energy and removing blockages by acting on the meridians running through the head and spine. A strong intention to release the emotions is essential in this process.

An interesting method for releasing emotions is the TRE (Tension Releasing Exercises) method proposed by Dr. David Berceli. It is based on natural mechanisms of neurophysiological regulation. Simple physical exercises are designed to trigger involuntary neurogenic tremors and movements in the body, which help restore balance to the nervous system and enable the release of emotions, particularly tension and stress, including those that are unconscious and stored in our body.


A significant figure in this field is Alexander Lowen, the creator of the therapeutic approach known as bioenergetics. This approach, while aimed at treating the psyche, is focused on the body. It posits that all past traumas, internal conflicts, and defense mechanisms are reflected in the functioning of our body—shallow breathing, muscle rigidity, tension, and blockages in the body, which act as a kind of “armor” against emotions.

The bioenergetic approach to releasing blocked emotions helps individuals regain contact with their bodies and enables the release of emotions. Lowen proposed a series of body exercises designed to help remove these blockages. The foundation of this approach is grounding—establishing a firm connection to the ground with strong legs. Connection with the ground increases self-confidence and reduces anxiety.

Releasing emotions according to Lowen

Examples of exercises proposed by Lowen include:

  • Falling: This exercise aims to let go of control, surrender to gravity, completely relax, and understand that without falling, there is no rising, so it should not be associated with failure.
  • Bioenergetic Stool: The exercise involves lying on a stool with arms extended backward and an open chest; this allows for deeper breathing and the release of emotions as tensions and body resistance are overcome. A simplified version of the exercise is lying on an exercise ball.
  • Expression of feelings through movement and voice: Surrendering to emotions, for example, by hitting a mattress with a baseball bat or kicking. It is important not to suppress emotions or tighten the throat—loud screaming or crying is encouraged.
  • Gentle holding of one’s own head: Embrace your head by placing one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head, which helps find support within yourself. Another version of the exercise is to place your head in the "basket" created by clasped hands. Then imagine all heavy thoughts, fears, negative emotions, and things beyond your control flowing from your head into the basket and then through your hands to the ground. This uses the principle of 3xP—allow, release, surrender.
  • Finding vibrations: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and toes pointing slightly inward. Lean forward with relaxed shoulders and a loose abdomen, and touch the ground with your fingertips. The leg tremors that appear after a while invigorate the body and relieve tension. Feel the stability, and you can also release excess stimulation into the ground

Blocked emotions and spirituality – energetic release of emotions

In spirituality, astrology, and religion, we encounter many approaches to releasing emotions, both positive and negative (using "negative" to refer to unpleasant emotions – but emotions, even unpleasant ones, are neither positive nor negative; this term is used for simplicity). Essentially, each approach suggests that some form of energy governs human life, which, when disrupted, causes emotional blockages, among other things.

Healers and bioenergy therapists claim that our blockages and poor well-being may be caused by gaps in the aura, which are exploited by energetic attachments (energy vampires), astral attachments (astral parasites), or low-vibrational entities. Methods such as wax pouring and other energy cleansing techniques are used to remove these. Attention is also given to analyzing the natal chart and regression to past lives to understand the purpose of our current life or traumas from previous lives that may cause the accumulation of hidden unpleasant emotions.

Blocked emotions in the body can also be released through chakra cleansing. Chakras are points where energy channels intersect in our body, where energy accumulates. Negative energy from blocked emotional states accumulates in the chakras, creating energy blockages. Chakras can be cleansed, strengthened, or activated in various ways. One such method is energy healing or healing touch, such as Reiki. This involves tuning the energy channels in the body to release negative energy. The therapist induces a deep state of relaxation in the patient, placing their hands on the body to activate positive energy channels, relieving physical pain and negative emotions. A similar method, which also involves aura and chakra cleansing without touch, is pranic healing, where the therapist transmits positive energy (prana) to the patient, often remotely.

Many people are skeptical about the methods mentioned above. In such cases, it is worth trying methods like meditation or yoga, which can also serve to cleanse chakras and have scientifically documented positive effects on the psyche, including relaxation, emotional balance, and the release of blocked emotions. These practices can certainly help calm the mind and view many issues from a different perspective.

It's good to work with emotions as they arise. Accumulating unprocessed emotions can negatively impact our functioning.

Releasing accumulated emotions is more challenging than dealing with them immediately. Ensure you release emotions when you feel safe or can talk to someone about them. In some situations, revealing emotions would not be appropriate, such as during a job interview or when providing first aid after a car accident. In such cases, action takes priority, and emotions take a back seat. However, don't suppress them for too long.

Emotion-Releasing Massage

Tantric massage is not just a physical practice but also a spiritual experience that can help release emotions blocked in the body.

Tantric massage can help combat these blockages, release emotions, and improve well-being.

During a tantric massage, the tantric massage therapist works with the body of the person undergoing the practice, but also with their energy. The therapist uses various techniques such as pressure, stretching, and gentle touches to release blocked energy and begin to unblock emotions.

Releasing emotions through tantric Massage - read more

Before a tantric massage, the person who wants to work through emotions can set a strong intention to release emotions. This intention will be released and not focused on during the massage. The atmosphere and type of massage enhance other emotions and the flow of telluric energy, which in turn provides better access to the subconscious and stimulates the autonomic nervous system to open up and release blocked emotions.

We invite you to read more details about tantric massage on the website https://www.anahatatantra.com/tantric-massage-description-what-is-how-done/. Tantric massages are performed in Warsaw.

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