Confidence: How to build It in unconventional ways?P

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Building Confidence? Do It in Unconventional Ways

An increasing number of people lack confidence or have insufficient confidence to function normally in daily life. Some individuals don't struggle with self-esteem, confidence, or self-worth. They are strong, and their confidence is unwavering. No matter what happens in their lives, these individuals handle adversity well. They know what they want and achieve their goals. They don’t worry about others' opinions and simply do their own thing.

In reality, every person is valuable. Each of us is different, but no one is better or worse. We all have equal rights to achieve our goals, fulfill our dreams, and simply be happy. As lamas, including Lama Thubten Yeshe, say, every man and woman has both masculine and feminine energy within them. Each of us is a combination of universal energy. Everything we need to be complete is within us at this very moment. It's simply a matter of recognizing it.

Social media – The illusion of the perfect life

We live in a time that promotes an ideal life, which no one can achieve without proper preparation and the right tools. Everywhere we look, we see idealized images. Just log into any social media platform. Especially on Instagram, many people show photos of their lives that look like a fairytale. You'll find pictures of women with perfect bodies, immaculate hairstyles, and flawless makeup, all set against impeccably clean and beautifully arranged interiors. You'll also see photos of perfectly prepared dishes and breathtaking nature shots. These images appear spontaneous, but that's not the reality.

An average person looking at these photos might feel inferior, less valuable; in a word, their self-esteem might plummet, potentially leading to depression.

When you browse Instagram, you might think, "What a great life he/she has." But the truth is entirely different. To take a good Instagram photo, that person probably spent many hours preparing themselves, the food, or the setting. Then they chose one photo from dozens of shots. Finally, they edited the chosen photo extensively. Many hours of work go into presenting an image that is not always real but idealized.

But the important thing is that these people exist. Often, they were nobodies, and now they are achieving their dreams. They do what they love—traveling, cooking, photographing. For some, it was easy from the beginning; for others, it was difficult. Most people started by taking very poor-quality photos, improving with each click, learning how to do things differently, what to improve. Every step was aimed at getting better, whether for themselves or to show others. It doesn't matter what a person's goal is; what matters is that anyone can achieve their goal. But it often requires practice and perseverance.

This reminds me of a YouTube video by Michał Warzyniuk – Kołcz Majk, where he quotes a 17/18-year-old girl who wrote to him on Instagram.

YouTube video

I've been dreaming for many, many years of going to the States, and my whole family laughs at me. Haha, "Iwonka," you must be crazy. How are you going to the States?! You don't know the language! You won't get a visa! You don't have the money! Just forget it! Forget it! FORGET IT!

Girl on Kołcz Majk's Instagram

And Majk's first questions to her were:

"Have you been doing anything in these past few years? Have you done anything? Or are you just thinking about it? Because you should take some first step!"

Michał Wawrzyniuk, Kołcz Majk

Exactly, everyone can achieve their dreams. But not everyone takes the steps to do so. Often, confidence is lacking. Building confidence is crucial at the very beginning of the journey to realizing dreams.

We've dedicated a longer moment to Instagram because it's a good example of how social media can shake our self-esteem. In the past, we encountered idealized, hard-to-achieve lifestyles mainly on TV and in magazines. Now, the Internet, reaching even more people, reigns in this aspect. Those with self-esteem issues may feel worse seeing these perfect lives. However, some confident, open-minded, and energetic individuals find motivation in these images! They are inspired to take action, to remove societal limitations from their minds, and to create their own paths to achieve their goals, following or utilizing others to reach the vision they have in mind.

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Our self-esteem can be disrupted at any turn. Sensitive individuals might take even innocent remarks to heart. Failures at work or in personal life can lower our self-esteem. Online hate is especially dangerous as people feel anonymous (though they're not), and their hateful words can harm many.

People lacking confidence feel worse daily, often feeling sad and unmotivated, leading to poor self-care. Initially feeling inferior in thoughts, these thoughts manifest into actions that lower self-esteem further. However, this can change.

How to build confidence?

Confidence can be learned, and self-esteem can be rebuilt. There are many quick and slow methods to build self-worth. If issues with self-esteem are severe and interfere with daily life, seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist is advisable. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to help resolve such problems effectively.

Tantric massage as an additional healing method

It's also beneficial to work on yourself independently to increase confidence and self-worth. You can find inspiration in professional literature or use unconventional healing methods. We particularly recommend tantric massage, a method tested by us and our clients for many years.

Why tantric massage? During a session, the masseur works with your body and energy. You'll experience wonderful relaxation and unblock your sexual energy. This allows for the free flow of energy in the body, releasing blockages and tension, and alleviating stress and negative emotions.

During a tantric massage session, we discover our true value, feel strong and important, and our confidence increases. We find motivation to act, boosting our self-esteem and making us more confident. How is this possible?

Lack of confidence or self-worth is just the surface, a result of various wounds, blockages, or negative thoughts imprinted in the mind.

If someone is repeatedly told during adolescence that they are a failure and can't do anything right, they may grow up truly believing they are incapable. Tantric massage allows access to and release of these wounds, even though healing is not the primary goal. Most women cry during a tantric massage, and when asked why, 99% of them often don't know the reason. This process reaches deep wounds and releases unexpressed emotions, allowing them to leave the body. The person being massaged often feels reborn and rejuvenated.

It's worth fighting for yourself. Some people have always had low self-esteem, while others lose confidence due to unfortunate events or words. No matter how advanced the problem is, it's worth taking appropriate actions at every stage. Sometimes, professional help is necessary. However, even the best therapist can't help us if we don't want to fight for ourselves and a better life. Explore various paths and methods, and trust unconventional healing methods that have helped many others.

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