Category Archives: Rozwój osobisty

Trauma Therapy – What is Havening and How Does It Work?

Terapia Havening
There are many types of therapies and approaches available, making it difficult to choose the best one as various factors determine which type of therapy or approach will be suitable for a person and their specific problems. One promising and relatively new approach (two decades old) is Havening (trauma therapy). Although new, it partially builds…
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Gaslighting in personal development groups and workshops

Gaslighting is a subtle form of emotional manipulation that is becoming increasingly common in personal development groups and workshops. It involves deceiving others about their reality and perception, leading to disorientation, frustration, and a loss of self-confidence. What is gaslighting? Gaslighting is a manipulation that involves deceiving the victim, for instance, participants of personal and…
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Circle of Women – Women’s Circles | What types exist?

Krąg kobiet / kręgi kobiet
In recent years, terms like "circle," "women's circle," "circle workshops," and "men's circle" have become very popular and trendy, much like the trends of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and spiritual development. First, it's worth emphasizing that when something becomes fashionable, most people get into it out of curiosity, or due to a bandwagon effect. However, let's…
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